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Guard Our Dominion, Inc. (G.O.D.)

The vision and inspiration for G.O.D. rest upon God’s people and followers of Christ Jesus being in Co-Dominion with God in the dual concepts of Stewardship of His Creation and Creation Care.


Glorifying, worshiping and serving God in all that we endeavor to do and whatever we undertake are fundamental and foundational in our decision making and activities. Accordingly, we will strive and do our best to love one another, encourage one another, and lift each other up in the name of the Lord our God in so far as it is appropriate and opportune.


Equally important is the need and desire to unite God’s people and followers of Christ Jesus using the unifying power of the Holy Spirit through prayer. While Saving Our American Republic (S.O.A.R) is in God’s hands, God hears our prayers. And if we are going to see America turn back to God, it must begin with prayer in God’s church, among Jesus’ followers. Prayer is powerful! And Prayer works!! Amen!!!


What rules your heart, rules your life. Pride and self-rule lead to destruction. Christ-rule leads to life. Amen and Amen!!!!

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