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Prayer Hub

Save Our American Republic (S.O.A.R.) is a concept requiring the action of Prayer and lots of Prayer Warriors. This page is your Prayer Hub for sharing the most important Prayer Needs facing the United States of America today . . . right now! May it be that this Prayer Hub is the tool that draws and unifies God’s people and Jesus’ followers all across America and around the world in powerful Prayer. And through this endeavor of individual Prayer, God will hear our collective Prayers and together we will . . . S.O.A.R.

Prayer Requests

Thanks for submitting.

Additionally, we will continue to update Prayer Warriors on collective Prayer needs so that you might join with us in Prayer. Here are a list of active Prayer needs:  


    1)  God's hedge of protection around S.O.A.R.                         activities springing-up across the land.  


   2)  God's extra blessing of wisdom, discernment, and              understanding for those involved in His work.  


   3)  God's mighty hand halts all rumors, lies, and gossip.

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